Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saige Visits The Doctor

Saige seems to be getter worse rather than better, so the doctor decided to do some bloodwork. He is hoping that she is just dealing with several issues at one time and that is the reason her fever has been lingering so long. It seems like the fever has been the only consistent symptom and all the other ones have come and gone and or are cropping up as new ones. We all just hope that everyone is better soon, as we have not been able to enjoy our usual play and outside activities. Personally, I am most tired of all the whining! On a more positive note, she continues to grow! She is 33 inches now at 18 months! (Much taller than Dayton was at that age) But, she has not gained anything in 6 months...she is still just a mere 24lbs. Funny because she seems heavier to me lately. What else is new besides all the illness....?Dayton has been celebrating the Chinese New Year at school and likes to talk about it like he knows what it is. Part of his morning ritual now is to ask me what they are having for lunch and snack at school and what he's doing at school that day. I think Thursdays is religion day as well as physical education and art. I'm pretty sure he has also started to learn about the Hawaiian Islands and yesterday they started learning about maps. The only reason I know this is because I check his curriculum guide each day so that I know what kind of questions to ask him when he gets home. Otherwise, he just replies with "my don't know." What did you have for lunch Dayton? "My don't know." What did you play with today? "My don't know." What did you do all day? "My don't know...I slept and pwayed on the pwayground." Oh, and have I mentioned that almost every single day there is an accident report in his mailbox? *me rolling my eyes* The other day the had one that said "Dayton was accidentally pushed down during playground time today. Scraped his left cheek. Ice applied." I asked Dayton what happened and he told me that a "boy pushed me down an' smashed my face." Who do I believe? I'll have to look and see if my child is the only one with these little slips in the mailbox every single day!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

At least you get one! We found out from Rebekah she fell and had a bloody nose at school yesterday! ACK! This morning she told me she fell "over there" and pointed to the middle of a busy street. I said "In the street?" and she said "Yes! I fell in the street...right there!" Umm...I'm fairly certain they didn't let my kid play in the busy street...TOO FUN!