We also had a chance to spend a little bit of time (though not as much as we would have liked) with YaYa, Sir, Auntie Jess Jess, Great Aunt Diane and even Great Grammie. Sir got a new hip so our rowdy family had to let him get better. Saige was a little bit upset with her beloved Sir because she couldnʻt sit with him but he still managed to aggravate her enough that now, over a month later, she is holding a grudge. Any of you that know Saige, know that her favorite baby is "baby boy" and Sir decided to take baby boy and not give him back. This resulted in tears. Thatʻs okay though, she had plenty of fun with Auntie Jess Jess, as did Dayton and Addley. In fact, Addley learned a new cheer and lately has been walking around singing it "rah rah rie, kick him in the knee". They all got to spend an entire day together at the New Orleans Zoo on Black Friday so I had the whole day to shop!

Addley is quite fond of Great Grammie and likes to follow her around. I think itʻs because she likes to give her the things she wants. Iʻve decided that Addley has inherited Great Grammieʻs eyes.
I was hoping to get a picture of the kids with their beautiful Auntie Jess Jess but Addley was refusing to go near her. I think Addley might have been scared of how tall Jess Jess was in her boots. At least I managed to get a cute picture of the older two. I wished she lived closer, sheʻs the best Aunt ever (you are too Aunt Sannie, but you live even further!)
Hereʻs YaYa, Dayton, Saige and new hip Sir starting to decorate the fabulous Novosel fiber optic tree!
Auntie Jess Jess and Saige making it look beautiful.
Oh, and I did manage to get a picture of new hip Sir admiring his most fabulous tree. Donʻt you think he should have decorated his walker?