Despite the rain, it was a successful weekend to the pumpkin patch! I have a bunch of photos to post, but I'm having a hard time transitioning to the MAC computer so my posts for the next little while may be a little disjointed. I will try and add captions to the photos to help out...Dayton was SOOOOO excited to go to the "pumpin hatch" he kept asking over and over when we were going. When we first got there he said "wow cool, look at all the pumpins!" He immediately started running towards them and picked up almost every single one he saw. It was quite funny. Saige enjoyed tripping in the mud, putting her hands in rotten watermelons and trying to pick up big pumpkins. There were pony's to see, some cheezy kids rides, fresh fruit and veggies for sale and lots and lots of dirt....

Dayton at the house getting ready for the "Pumpin Hatch" by wearing his "Hawoween shirt."

Saige loving being up on Daddy's shoulders!

Daddy & Dayton taking this picking the perfect pumpkin quite seriously.

Saige running in the mud and quite obviously enjoying herself.

This is Saige attempting to pick up a large pumpkin.

This is Dayton's 100th pumpkin to pick up and say "how about this one?"

Dayton carrying "the" pumpkin.