My sweet husband surprised me recently by flying an old friend out here to visit me. I haven't seen her since my wedding and since then I've had 2 kids, she's had 1 and she's gotten married. Somehow we've managed to keep in touch since we were 10 years old despite living apart most of those years. I was able to spend some wonderful quality time with her, meet and play with her beautiful little girl Abigail and meet her loving husband. Throughout the 2 week visit, all of the kids were sick as well as us moms, but we managed to have a great visit and do some wonderful things. One of the first things we did was have a girls day beach trip.

Shannon & Abby admiring the view.

Shannon & Abby taking a walk together.

Saige playing in the sand.

Saige finds a seashell.

My beautiful friend Shannon.

Saige & Abby playing at the beach.