Given my current inability to be overly interactive with the kids I've taken up body movement and sign language. Haha...well, not really, but in order to play with them I need to do things that don't involve much speaking. So, Dayton and I have learned a new song/dance called "Rockin to the beanbag boogie"...If I had more time I'd type out the lyrics or if I were more technically inclined I would post a sound byte. Saige likes to stomp her feet to the beat so that is kind of cute too. Other than that, Dayton has been doing a lot of reading, mess making and torturing the dogs. As you can see from the picture, his #1 girl is still Dora. In this picture he was taking a nap with her in the bouncy seat and under the blanket. By the time I got the camera he had pulled the cover off. Good thing I didn't catch them kissing! What else is new with him? Hmm...well, he has this horrible habit of dumping his chocolate milk over his food and eating it, so I have limited the chocolate milk for a bit. He's started to take an interest in saying and attempting to write his ABC's. Oh, and he is currently obsessed with getting a "party hat" for his birthday. That's all he talks about...and his current favorite saying is "oh man"! Saige is having a developmental growth spurt right 14 months she has over 20 words and experiments with new ones each day. Neither her mouth or her feet stop moving. She still follows her brother everywhere and likes to run off with his toys. Lately she's been into climbing onto/into places and getting herself stuck. She is obsessed with walking around wearing rubber gloves and trying on other people's shoes. Today she discovered the joy in spinning in circles. As for me, I am slowly recovering and attempting more foods. I'm still uncomfortable but not in pain so that is all that matters. I do have a bothersome stitch hanging though. Last night I had the brilliant idea that I could make/eat french toast so this morning I was practically salivating while getting it ready. It wasn't meant to be though...both my eggs rolled off the counter. Scott is recovering from his weekend spent looking after the kids...yes I know it is a week later now..he took up drinking beer again. The dogs have survived "no more sleeping in our bed" training but I don't think they are happy about it. I've had to clean up 3 messes and 2 pukes in the past couple weeks. I'm quite sure they are intentional "accidents". Shey has made her own bear den in the corner of our bedroom and during the night her clikity clackity nails tap on the walls as she is dreaming. It's really quite aggravating but I can't complain since now I can actually move during the night. Tula has been passing out on her comfy dog bed beside the bed but she is still suffering from hair loss on her tail and chattery teeth when you look at her wrong. She is such a sad case.