Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time - We had visitors come for a week (We miss you YaYa & Auntie Carol) and both kids have been sick since then. Sick kids = no sleep and moodiness. Take this morning as an example of what my last two weeks have been like: Dayton started throwing a fit and crying because I had to change his diaper and then I walked down the stairs before him and he wanted to go first..and then he wanted to go back upstairs...and then he didn't want the blue sippy cup he wanted the green one so I put his juice in the green one and he threw a fit because he wanted the blue one and then he was upset because his nose was so needless to say, we are making a trip to the doctors office today because he doesn't seem much better after two weeks of snotty nose and miserable behavior. Saige is a bit fussier than normal but nothing that isn't cured with picking her up and toting her around. So...Saige is 11 months now and I still have to upload her 10 month pictures (soon...soon...I promise) and we start swim lessons with both Dayton and Saige this weekend. I will try and give a better update this weekend. Love you all...keep checking back.