So I had a profound motherhood moment the other night...I had made Dayton dinner (mashed taters, fish sticks, peaches, chocolate milk) and he was all finished eating. Saige had eaten a little earlier than that...some freshly steamed carrots, mashed taters & peaches). Both children were fed and happily playing. Scott had just gotten home and we had decided to have a "fend for yourself" dinner night. I was sitting on the steps in the kitchen eating my bowl of cheerios. (Don't all mothers resort to cereal some nights?) Saige was sitting on the steps beside me and was holding onto my shirt so that she could balance and step up...and down....and up...and down. Periodically, she would sit down and poke her sticky fat fingers into my bowl of cheerios and swish it around and then eat her hand. Dayton was behind me tangling himself up in Saige's birthday balloons (intentionally I might add) and then fussing that he was "stuck". He kept asking for a bite of my cheerios as well. Scott was standing in the kitchen eating his dinner (waffles I think) and watching the news. Both dogs were at my feet waiting for cheerios to drop. For half a second I thought about telling everyone to leave me in peace so I could enjoy my cheerio dinner and was about to get up and go to the table...when I realized...not only do I LOVE my life, but that everyone would follow me. Instead, I sat there and shared my cheerios.
A side note for YaYa: I made Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Dayton shortly after you left in June. We both had fun and it actually turned out pretty well. Thought I would share the pictures...not quite Roy's quality, but just as yummy and much cheaper!