For those of you wondering, yes we are all still alive here in Hawaii! I've been incredibly busy with the kids and various yearly doctors appointments as well as more preschool tours and interviews. Which means, I've not had time to get my camera out and take pictures. Which means, I've had no pictures to update on my blog. Sounds like a good excuse doesn't it? Finally, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed to the beach to get some Christmas pictures. Prior to that, I invested in a tripod; a necessary piece of equipment for family pictures! Of course, we couldn't do any of that until AFTER lunch at McDonalds. Our little 3 year old has been craving it! Somehow we all managed to keep our white shirts clean for the pictures! Dayton wasn't too impressed to be wearing jeans. He looked at them and said, "no, those are yours mom." Then I put them on him and he said, "mom, off please they're too big." I think he thought they were shorts that were too long for him. Even Scott complained that I was making him wear jeans in the heat of the day, but that is not unusual. (Scott complaining that is) Saige was the only one that didn't complain..bless her sweet little soul. Once at the beach, Dayton refused to sit on the sand because he didn't want sand in his pants and he didn't want to sit on Daddy either, just Mommy. *Sigh* The fun begins. Come on everyone, I just want a good family picture. Can we all stop crying and start smiling? Do you know how hard it is to keep two liitle ones sitting still AND looking at the camera AND smiling? Nevermind the fact that I only had 10 seconds to get myself into the picture and my hair out of my eyes from the wind. 20 pictures later we finally got a decent one and then I let the kids play in the sand while I took a few snapshots. Belly's full of grease, clothes full of sand and mommy satisfied.