Monday, January 26, 2009

Looking For A Live-In Nurse

So, I'm thinking about changing my sleeping schedule to be from 6am-6pm and stay awake from 6pm-6am, since that seems to be when I'm asleep and or awake. Last night I lay on Dayton's floor for a little over an hour trying to comfort him through a coughing spell. He gets so upset about it and then the tears cause more snot and congestion and thus more coughing. Mostly he is upset that I am denying him access to sleep in our bed. Normally, he would wake up in the night and just climb right in, but I am trying to limit my exposure to germs as much as possible (if that is even possible when you are a mom). Afterall, who likes snot rubbed on their pillows and hands rubbing all over their face during the night when trying to sleep? So I am instead nesting (quite uncomfortably I might add) on his floor until he falls asleep. I tried sneaking out once last night and he woke up yelling for me. After I snuck back into my own bed at 2:30 am I heard Saige crying. Since she normally doesn't cry during the night I went to check on her and sure enough, she was covered from head to toe in diarrhea. Poor baby. She was shivering uncontrollably and her little teeth were chattering. I put her straight into a warm bath to get her clean and warm her up. Would I ever get any sleep? No. She was still pretty cold after the bath so I wrapped her up in a warm blanket and we snuggled a bit. I changed her bedding gave her some tylenol, rubbed her back for a bit and then tried sneaking out. No such luck. Normally I can just pat her back and leave her room and she is fine, but last night she wasn't, so I resigned myself to creating a little nest on her floor. By now it was 4am and she didn't fall asleep until 5am. She kept checking to see if I was still lying there and on occasion would try and make conversation. The only response she got was "shhh". Finally, at 5am I crawled into my own bed (at that point not caring about the time - just wanting some warmth)and immediately fell asleep. Only to be woken up moments later by Dayton crawling in bed. I was too tired to take him back to his room so I just let him cough on my back. At 5:30 the alarm started to go off. Thankfully, Scott only hit snooze one time (usually it is more than 3 times). I think I got an extra 15minutes of sleep in there before I had to get up and get Dayton ready for school. Today, Saige and I are doing nothing. I am going to feed her lunch shortly (it is only 10am here) and put her to bed and then I am going to sleep and hopefully I wake up in time to pick Dayton up from school. At least that is my plan. Hence, I am looking for a temporary live-in nurse...well, not really, but it is a nice thought.

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