The past couple of days I've been meaning to write down some of the silly things the kids are doing and saying...before I forget...more so to have for them to read when they are older. I thought I would share them though because some of them are just too funny...well, funny to me at least.
Story 1:
Saige has been obsessed with baby wipes lately - she pulls them out constantly and walks around with them, wiping at her mouth, wiping furniture, wiping toys and even wiping her bottom (with clothes on of course). Her newest wiping craze is to walk around and look for dead bugs and pick them up in the wipe to bring to a dog bringing its master some type of "prize". She's so proud of herself.
Story 2:
From the age of 7 months or so Saige has been getting into the pantry and pulling out snacks, jars, cans and anything else she can reach. As she has gotten older she has developed the skill of she knows to only get out those things that she would like to actually eat. Well, this morning I was getting Dayton's breakfast and she went into the pantry and got out pop tarts (which she has never even sampled I might add) and then she went into the kids "dish" drawer and got herself a plate. She carried both over to the kitchen table and put them up and then proceeded to climb onto the chair (she's never done that) and sat there saying "poptart". I was cracking up...her chin reaches the table, she's never even eaten a bite of a poptart and here she was preparing her own breakfast!
Story 3:
This morning Dayton opened the pantry and said he wanted "yucky charms" for breakfast. "My pour it myself" he said. I let him...the bag was almost empty and I'm pretty sure they were stale too. He didn't care. I got him out a "baby" bowl because it made more sense given the small amount of cereal...he says "no that's for babies", "my want big boy bowl." I told him to go get in his chair, started pouring his juice and was making my way over to the table when he said, "push the hurry up button on the remote." I knew exactly what he said because it was pretty clear, but I made him repeat himself because I was stunned! He's apparently been watching too much "Upside Down Show". Noggin parents will understand this story better than others. I'm still laughing about it! Maybe I need to start using that tactic to get him to listen.
Story 4:
So I bought Dayton some big boy undies with Halloween bats on them...I thought they were cute and I'm trying to get him excited about Halloween..rather than have him scared. Scott of course was like "what does he need Halloween underwear for?" Um, honey, have you checked out all of your holiday themed boxers lately? It's just something we women themed undies, holiday themed shirts, dresses, clippies and PJ's. Anyhow, I was folding laundry after dinner and showed them to him and he was SO excited about them he wanted to take off his current pair and put the news ones on. I explained that it was almost time for bath/bed and that he could wear them the following day. He carried them around for the next 15 minutes and yelled at his sister every time she tried to take them..."no Daige, MY Hawwoween undies!" This morning the first thing he asked about was his halloween undies and then said "thank you mom".
Seems like I had a few more to share but that is all I can remember right now.
Oh the things little kids say and do....
In the blink of an eye time passes & something changes. Life with kids somehow changes that much more quickly; especially when one is 6, one is 4 and the other is 3. Regardless of whether it is a day filled with sunshine or clouds & rain, wherever I may go, my four shadows will surely follow. Visit often, laugh always, cry if you need to & most of all, love deeply. We miss you all.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
What Happened To My Baby Girl?
Maybe since Dayton's 3rd Birthday is this coming Saturday...or maybe because Saige is now 15 months old...I'm kind of feeling a little bit like I woke up and my baby girl disappeared. It's like she grew up overnight. Her hair is getting longer, she's talking more, she's getting taller and starting to attempt her own "stunts" (like jumping off the bottom step and crashing every single time), she's developing a sassy little attitude and she is starting to resemble something that may be a foreshadow of a two year old! A possible early blossom? Hmmm.... Regardless, her sweet nature and almost always smiling face is truly a treasure in our lives. Dare I say I miss the nights where I held her quietly in the rocking chair listening to the little kitty cat noises she used to make?

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