Ah..the SuperFerry...or should I say "Super-puker-Ferry?" It was very nice - sofas, coffee tables, comfy seats, a restaurant, nice bathrooms, a play area for kids, a gift shop...more luxurious than what I expected. Or was it? Scott took dramamine. The kids couldn't take anything. I wore seabands and took some ginger chews. 30 minutes into the 4 hour ride Dayton threw up all over himself. He's never been sick before (at least not since he was wee little) so it kind of scared him. Mostly he was upset about his clothes being all "bose" (gross). I didn't really have much warning so round 2 got all over the seats. I sure hope those poor workers on the boat get paid well! I got him changed into outfit #2 and he sat on my lap throwing up into a bag the remaining 3 hours. I felt so bad for him. Saige also threw up all over Daddy...several times. I'd take baby puke over toddler puke anyday..but that is neither here nor there. Both of them would sleep for short bouts and then wake up and puke. I wasn't doing so hot myself, but held myself together because what else was I going to do? The waters were pretty rough and I watched the beautiful scenery pass by....waves, boats that looked like ants and the workers walking up and down the aisles with their red hazardous waste bags for all the pukers. Apparently the beautiful scenery was on the other side of the boat. So much for taking some nice pictures. Instead, Scott was nice enough to get a shot of me holding Dayton's barf bag. Oh, and did I mention that Scott actually threw out both of the kids outfits? You cannot imagine how incredibly happy I was to see us docking. We got into the car (smelly and all) and drove off the boat feeling 100% better. I think we had our discussion about me flying the kids home after vacation instead of taking the ferry back, before we actually drove off the boat. What a start to the vacation! To be continued...