Lately I've been capturing a ton of cute expressions on Saige's face. Just in the past couple of weeks her personality has really blossomed. She definitely knows what she does and doesn't want and/or like...oh and she lets everyone know it! She isn't so interested in her toys lately. She much prefers the nasty dog toys or whatever Dayton happens to be playing with...or the phones..remotes...utensils....pantry items etc. She has developed a liking for crank window knobs and poking her chubby fingers up her nose. She has a total of 4 teeth now. She crawls away really fast if she knows you are coming to take something away from her or take her away from something and will even look back at you to see how close you are. She hates getting her face/hands wiped and will shiver as though I just fed her something bad. She likes to cry to get her way and is happiest when she is with Dayton or can see Mama.