I had decided a long time ago that I wanted to surprise Scott with the sex of the baby and play along that I didn't want to know. Originally I had wanted to present it as a birthday gift for him, but that isn't until March and I wasn't sure if I could wait that long knowing that I was holding the answer in my purse the whole time! So Valentine's Day seemed the next best option. We opened the envelope together this morning. He kept saying, "are you sure you want know?" Dayton was with us to open it and who knows how much he "really" understands about it, but he started acting really silly, so I think he was excited. My intuition from the very beginning was that it was a boy and the only thing that had me second guessing myself was the baby's high heart rate. Dayton's was always below 150 and Saige's was always above 150. This baby has always been above 150. Needless to say, there must be more to the heartrate than all the other wives tales out there. Dayton has been right about the baby all along. We're expecting our second baby GIRL! Saige is going to have a little sister and Dayton is going to be aggravated by two younger sisters! Here I am at 20 weeks...excited to meet our baby girl.