Usually we are in the middle of a move during birthdays or have already moved...this year we were fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Saige's 2nd birthday with family. In fact, we celebrated it twice. Celebration #1 was a bit sad - it was the same day the kids had to part with their beloved yaya, 4 teeth were complicating matters and a 3 year old brother stole her day. Dayton was very excited to help bake the cake but wasn't so good at letting Saige help. He blew out her candles before the cake was even in front of her. Then when it was present time he would hand her the presents and then proceed to open them for her before she even had a chance. "Open this one it like this." The dogs were eating tissue paper and giving plenty of unwanted but excited kisses. All of it was captured on video. I'm quite sure Saige won't particularly care for her brother when she watches it one day. Celebration #2 was spent with a few friends and Grandpa & Mom Mom. The kids enjoyed playing with their friends upstairs and UNSUPERVISED. A bright idea on our part. Imagine a 2 year old, two 3 year olds and one 6 year old having run of the house! You think with baby gates and a baby proofed house they couldn't get into too much trouble right? Hmmm Many thank you hugs and kisses to family and friends for all the presents.

At least she is using a fork!

Dayton enjoying his ice cream cupcake in a chocolate shell. Yes it was a pink cupcake!

A yummy ice cream cake from coldstone. Not quite Zoe's, but still delicious.

Saige checking out the adults outside.

A true princess pose.

What happened to my baby girl?

Saige's princess party hat.

Saige opening her presents...well, more like Dayton opening Saige's presents.

Wearing the party hat and not so happy about it.

Watering plants.

The birthday cake that Mommy, Dayton and Saige made. Note that Dayton is removing the candles that "he" blew out and Tula's nose is about to get a taste of cake.