Welcomed by big brother Dayton, big sister Saige, mommy & daddy, Shey & Tula (the dogs), Addley Preston arrived via c-section on Monday June 29th at 7:58am. She weighed 8lbs 10oz and stretched in at 20 3/4 inches. After 4 days recovering in hospital we made our way home to an excited and chaotic house. We are slowly settling into a routine and adjusting to our new roles. Our sweet blessing is happy, healthy and doing well. Many have been asking me what I will re-name my blog and after much thinking I've decided that it will remain unchanged right now. Baby Addley isn't much of a shadow just yet, so I've got some time to think about it.

Getting weighed.

Getting cleaned off.

Having vitals checked.

Swaddled & asleep.

Sisters and best of friends already.

Asleep in the swing.

Dayton & Saige made Addley Birthday cupcakes.

Going home.

Dayton meets Addley.

Saige meets sister Addley.

3 days old.

2 days old.

1 day old.