So it is the end of summer...where did it go? I have no idea. Well, summer never "really" ends in Hawaii, but I guess I associate the end of summer with the start of school. Dayton starts back tomorrow. We are hoping for less illness this year. He is super excited to meet new friends and see who his new teacher is. Unfortunately, the only two friends he made have moved and his teacher from last year retired. I'm sure he will adjust, but it makes me sad because I'm not sure if he completely understands that his "old" friends won't be there anymore, and he keeps talking about his teacher Miss Maria. Hopefully he is at least in the same classroom and has the same teacher assistant so something will seem familiar to him. I am excited for him...ok, I am more excited for myself, but he doesn't need to know that. With the excitement is a bit of dread because I know that Saige will become 100 times more clingy and whiny than she already is. I am looking to maybe get her signed up in some sort of class. It is hard to find things that will allow you to bring a younger sibling because they want you to participate "with" your child. It is the same problem I faced finding things for Dayton to do when Saige was a baby. Oh well, we will find something. Today the kids are at the zoo with Miss Katie so I am trying to get caught up on things I don't get much time to blog. I've been using up my free time finishing thank you notes and designing and finishing Addley's birth announcement. I hope you all enjoy it - I am getting a little bit better at designing but not necessarily any faster. We went on two mini vacations this summer, had a baby, had a stream of visitors and just got home from our second vacation. We went to Maui for 4 days. If you all recall, this is the same trip we made last year via the Super Puker Ferry. This year we flew. The ferry isn't running anymore (the tree huggers were more worried about the whales than the economy), not that we would have taken it again anyhow. Scott always things going anywhere with any number of kids is a big production, I personally thought it wasn't so bad...but maybe I had the easy job of looking after the baby. I suppose the hard part is going through security - do you really think I have something hidden in the bottom of my toddler's size 7 flip flop? They also don't allow you to walk through the "scanner" with your kids - they make them walk through alone. Of course both just sort of wander through and head off in their own directions...Saige especially. She'd be on a flight to Kazakhistan before she'd realize she wasn't with her parents. She is so off in her own little world. It's really kind of funny to watch but aggravating to deal with. I suppose I should stop talking about our recent vacation because I don't have pictures ready to I'll save details for when I get around to doing that. Instead I'll post pictures of some random "fun-ness" from our summer together.

Saige's new thing is to wear her brother's big boy undies. My little T-Rex.

And of course giving the camera her biggest smile.

Saige's version of playing baseball is to run off with Dayton's balls.

Saige has been practicing her Miss Hawaii pose.

Oh and her movie star beach look.

Dayton can finally reach the pedals on his trike so he's been practicing riding to the end of the driveway and speeding down the slope back to the house. It completely freaks me out so I can't even watch. A total accident waiting to happen. He apparently got this trait from his daddy.

Dayton practicing his "Better Batter Baseball". He's actually really good!

Dayton picking my flowers as he always does and has done since he was old enough to walk. No wonder my plants always die.

A parade we went to in honor of King Kamalikakamakaiki...or something like that.

The view of Waikiki beach from our staycation before the baby was born.

Another view of Waikiki beach.

A beautiful rainbow in our backyard.

Addley's first trip to the beach.

Mommy's first trip to the beach with Addley.

At the beach with all 3 kids.

Daddy and the kids looking for crabs and fish.

Dayton's first time slip and sliding. It was painful to watch but he finally got the hang of it.