I will be the first to admit that I am spoiled by my husband. I need nothing. I have everything..and more. Yet, despite this, he continues to spoil me and surprise me when I least expect it. Prior to my birthday he surprised me with a new camera. I didn't need one and truthfully, I wasn't even wanting one. He has been so supportive of my interest in photography. One of the many reasons I love him. I call this one of my greatest gifts because it allows me not only to practice something I love, but to document memories and moments with those I love. Here are some of my practice pictures.
In the blink of an eye time passes & something changes. Life with kids somehow changes that much more quickly; especially when one is 6, one is 4 and the other is 3. Regardless of whether it is a day filled with sunshine or clouds & rain, wherever I may go, my four shadows will surely follow. Visit often, laugh always, cry if you need to & most of all, love deeply. We miss you all.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Maui Wowie
This year we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Novosel family (YaYa, Sir & Auntie Jess Jess) by going on vacation to Maui together the week prior to Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful week spent together and came to an end far too quickly. Daddy and Sir went on a helicopter tour of the island. YaYa, Auntie Jess Jess and I spent some time at the spa. The children enjoyed their beach and pool time and for the most part were well behaved. It seemed meltdowns happened in the evening while out at dinner. I didn't really get to enjoy any dinners because Addley turns into a little Gremlin about 4pm every single day. While I was able to eat a few meals one handed, it was a challenge eating something like spaghetti and meatballs! Our sleeping situation was much to be desired as well, but how can you complain when you woke up to the shining sun each morning, someone else cooking all the meals and cleaning your room? We stayed at the beautiful Four Seasons Resort in Wailea, Maui...where you truly do get pampered. Facial spritzs and cool cucumbers by the pool for your tired eyes, fresh baked muffins and pineapple brought right to your chair...fresh ice water brought to your chair on the beach. Here are some of the pictures from our time spent together. Wonderful memories. Miss you all!
Beautiful Auntie Jess Jess - Dayton & Saige miss you!
Dayton & Saige playing on the beach.
Sir & Dayton looking for sea turtles. Lord only knows what kind of stories Sir is telling him, but you can tell he is passing along some type of wisdom.
Auntie Jess Jess, Sir & YaYa having a family picture before a nice evening stroll along the beach.
Dayton enjoying a sunset stroll.
One of the only opportunities we had for a family picture. Turned out great didn't it? Wait, who's missing? Ah yes, my non-compliant 4 year old. It seems even the nice lady who offered to take our picture couldn't convince him.
Auntie Jess Jess and Dayton doing some beach exploring.
Dayton & Saige building sand castles.
The Novosel & Szczekocki Families.
YaYa & Sir with the grandkids...or as YaYa refers to them, "her precious angels".
Auntie Jess Jess with Dayton, Saige & Addley.
Auntie Jess Jess & Dayton on a drifted in tree trunk.
One of many horrible attempts at a family picture. Dayton REFUSED to be in pictures and threw quite the fit about it all. The reason why you can't really tell is because I'm tickling him. Scott is just plain aggravated, Addley won't look up and Saige was plain ole tired.
Two beautiful sisters! Again, Dayton refusing to be in the picture. One day he'll wonder why he was never in any of the pictures!
Saige & Addley...sans Dayton. My two beautiful girls.
Saige enjoying pool time with Auntie Jess Jess.
Dayton enjoying pool time with Auntie Jess Jess.
Saige attempts the waterslide. No fear - what a big girl!
Dayton attempting to "stop" himself on the waterslide.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sassy Saige
Her first pedicure (compliments of Miss Katie). Don't mind the booboo on her toenail from dropping a toy on it. You'll have to click on the picture to see the polish designs. Oh, and lately she's been saying, "take pictures of me today mommy." Here is one of her "poses." She walks around wearing bracelets and says, "I'm so pretty." Seriously....she's only 2.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Addley As A 4 Month Old
This little girl LOVES attention...from anyone. Leave her alone for one second and she cries and fusses. Look at her and she smiles. She laughs at her siblings but rarely at Scott or I. She likes to talk. She wakes up early. She rolls over, but prefers to stand up. She hasn't decided whether or not she wants to be a thumb sucker...any fingers do well for now. She's discovered her feet but hasn't figured out how to "get" them. She loves the bath and then transforms into this screaming monster from the end of bath until she falls asleep at 7:30. Some days she looks like Saige and others like Dayton. I love her and every time Dayton says, "How long is Baby Addwee staying with us?" I always say "I hope forever and ever." He says, "that's a long time mommy." Not long enough if you ask me.

Dayton at 5 months.
Saige at 6 months.

Halloween 2009
I tortured myself trying to find costumes for the kids - it is always so hard here because the costumes are mostly designed for the cold weather. Halloween is anything but cold here. Dayton kept changing his mind...a robot, a clown, a prince...Saige would NOT change her mind: she wanted to be a vacuum. I know...she's strange. Needless to say, by the time I hit the stores everything was picked over...no sizes left, no costumes left. I resorted to looking online. I found the perfect costumes for both of them...turns out shipping them here was going to be more than the costumes. Forget it! I finally found this cheap and easy clown costume for Dayton and decided Saige could wear her tutu, some wings and a crown. Dayton was excited for the costume; until he put it on of course...it was itchy, he couldn't breathe with the clown nose on..."I'll just be Thomas the Train" he says. That's what he was last year. *sigh* If I only knew. We also did our yearly trip to the pumpkin patch. I had special Halloween shirts for them to wear and everything...they were long sleeve...the weather was 90 degrees. So much for that. Halfway there I realized I had forgotten to put the battery back in my camera. I had to resort to cell phone pictures this year. While it was a disastrous event for me, the kids didn't care - they just wanted to eat a piece of candy.
Saige's first time scooping goop out of the pumpkin.
Dayton's carved pumpkin. He chose the pattern, I did the carving (it was hard!!)
Our roasted seeds. Surprisingly, the kids liked them. They are apparently healthy for men to eat.
Dayton's final product.
Saige's final product.
The kids and I dressed up for a Halloween party at The Ching's house. I'm a ladybug, though it is hard to see my costume. Good thing we got a picture when we first arrived cause the costumes only lasted 5 minutes.
Apparently Halloween is a huge holiday for all Hawaii resident dogs.
Was trying to capture the HUGE Great Dane and instead captured a friendly little hello. Oops.
Scary monster dog we saw while trick or treating.
My princess, butterfly, fairy Saige.

Dayton's Fourth Birthday
October 18th was Dayton's fourth birthday! I can hardly believe it. It is so sad to see the years go by so fast and yet it is so special to see them develop and grow into little beings. In previous years I've taken a ton of pictures and no video. This year I hardly took any pictures and instead videoed most of the party. We rented a "jumping castle" (as Dayton refers to them) and had a little gathering at our house for BBQ and cake. It was a fun party. Dayton stayed in the bounce house for 3 hours straight. He's also requested one for next year as well as one for my birthday (and Saige's and Addley's). For any readers that attended the party, thanks for coming...we all had a great time celebrating.
Dayton is 4. Still wears party hats.
And is big enough to jump in a bounce house. A big hit!
Dayton turns 3. He "had" to wear a party hat, and refused to wear clothes.
Dayton turns 2!
A whole year old!
My 6lb little peanut.

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