Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Poor Baby Boy

First a trip to the ER on Thursday night for stitches, then a stuffy nose on Saturday, followed by vomiting at 6 in the morning on Sunday. Not much fun for a 3 year old that has never thrown up before (the exception being motion sick on the SuperFerry) and not much fun for a mommy to be woken up by vomit all over her. Daddy got the fun job of cleaning all the bedsheets and Mommy got the fun job of getting Dayton to the toilet to strip him down, wash him off and sanitize everything. I guess we can count this as our first illness since starting preschool 2 weeks ago. *Sigh* I knew it was bound to happen eventually, but in just 2 short weeks? Ugh. Yesterday he was acting fine (besides the semi-stuffy nose) and in fact was acting so silly he said he was "trying" to hurt his chin again. Only from the mouth of a 3 year old! Now the trick is keeping his sister away from him and hopefully healthy and keeping myself and the baby healthy. We would like to avoid another trip to the ER. Needless to say, he's not been up to having me take a picture of his stitches nor his cool new PJ's from the hospital. So today, he is spending the day in his most favorite spot of all...on the sofa, with a blankie in front of the TV.

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