So...back to vacation stories and pictures...below is a shot of the kiddie pool area at the resort. There was a wading area attached for the really little ones, a slide, kiddie toys, cabanas that closed off for wee ones napping and poolside services that offered playpens for naps! We spent a lot of time at the pool. Dayton had a couple of "friends" to play with but mostly he spent his time taking their toys and throwing them into the bigger kid pool or splashing them. Go figure. Dayton saw all the other kids wearing swimmies so he wanted some too - the ones I had bought before vacation were too big for him so Daddy & Dayton went and bought some smaller ones. He reminded me of that kid in "A Christmas Story" wearing the snowsuit. He did great with them and was for the most part, independent in the water while wearing them. He didn't particularly care for Daddy's "one tug" removal though. Of course, the nervous nellie that I am, I was right close to him anyhow. There were people that would come by and offer a spritzing of Evian water on your face if you felt a little hot...they also came by with trays of cold cloths AND freshly baked mini muffins and chunks of pineapple. Dayton caught on quickly to poolside lunch service and would ask for his own menu when the ladies came by...he was too funny...he would open it up and pretend to read and say "oh yes, I want pizbah (pizza) and nemons (lemonade) pwease." Or he would say "oh yes, I want toast pwease." It cracked me up. As you can see from the photo, had Saige been able, she also would have ordered herself a pizbah.

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