Saige was impossible to watch by the pool unless we stuck her in the floating crab. She has ZERO fear of the water. The wading pool was up to her chest and you had to hold her hand or else she easily lost her balance and sort of floated away. Did I mention anywhere that all the pools were saltwater? Of course all she wanted to do was shove my hand away...I suppose in a round about way, I'm trying to say we didn't get too many shots of Saige in the pool. She did however, enjoy her poolside naps each day and confiscating my sunglasses. To conclude the poolside stories..our books, magazines and daily newspapers remained unread and on the table. I couldn't quite figure out why they provided adult sized lounge chairs by the kiddie pool since there most definitely wasn't any lounging going on! Perhaps next time we can outfit them in life jackets and toss them into the pool to fend for themselves while we enjoy an evian facial spritz and poolside massage.

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