At what point do you look at your kids and get grossed out by them? They go from these sweet, baby smelling newborns that make kitty cat noises to these larger, sassy beings that are just sometimes gross. Of course you always love your kids and they say you never see the "bad" stuff, but to be completely honest, today I was confronted by how gross kids can be...regardless of whether they are your own or belong to someone else. In most cases, it involves someone else's child. This morning Dayton started laughing at Saige and saying "gross Saige, what is in your hair?" I could immediately tell that it was something he had put there. I asked him what he did and he said, "my just picked my nose and wiped it in Saige's hair". I wanted to vomit. How disgusting. I usually reserve time outs for things like hitting and pushing but "boogie wiping" got a time out today. Later, he was playing with a tin frog (it is actually a garden ornament that you put a tea light candle in) and shoving a snake (a rubber one) in it's mouth. How do boys come up with these things? In all fairness though, I cannot say today's acts of grossness were limited to my sweet angel boy...Saige did something pretty gross too. She was using the potty (in case you all didn't know, she's potty trained now and in big girl princess undies) and decided that she wanted to stick her hands in her pee stream. I asked what in the world she was doing and she said, "washing my hands mama." That's when I realized how much I was looking forward to that sweet smelling newborn stage again.

1 comment:
Too funny Nancy!!!
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