Finally, I can start celebrating holidays with previous years he was pretty terrified by most Halloween stuff, but this year (now that he is a big boy) he is excited to dress up and go to Halloween parties (we'll see if it actually happens). He points out all the scary stuff in the stores and says, "look at all the scary Hawoween things." If you ask him what he is dressing up as, he says, "my don't know." He's never had a piece of candy either, so I'm opening up a whole new can of worms by introducing this Halloween stuff! We've been doing crafts lately to help him understand a bit better and we decorated the house a little bit. We don't have hardly any Halloween decorations, but we'll accumulate some each year. Tomorrow I am taking both Dayton and Saige to a Halloween party. Saige will be dressed up and Dayton at this point, won't be.....his costume should have been here by Tuesday at the latest and it is now Thursday, so it doesn't look good! Then, this weekend Mommy and Daddy are taking the kids to the pumpkin patch! That should be an adventure...I didn't know the island even had one! I've heard it is very hot and dusty! It's quite a drive, so I hope it is all worthwhile...

Dayton proudly holding up his "shapes" ghost.

Dayton's version of what a pumpkin looks like! Personally I like the "cat" mouth.

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