Saturday, September 13, 2008

Post Surgery Update

Well, I didn't chicken out though I did try and come up with some potential reasons for cancelling my appointment. The front desk lady at the surgeons office was pretty rude - she actually told Dayton that he needed to sit down on the chairs and be quiet. She had 3 inch fingernails so that sort of explains it all. I am now minus all my wisdom teeth, haven't eaten since Thursday and have an array of drugs. I'm pretty tired from not much sleep (unfortunately the pain meds don't make me sleepy at all) and I've been lying on ice packs on and off. I can't really yell at the kids or the husband so they are all probably enjoying that. Minus all the gross details I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't die. Just incredibly sore, hungry and tired. Hope you are all well and that our friends and family in Texas fared well with Ike and aren't without power for too long. Love to all. I'm off to take up residence on the sofa to dream about a nice piece of pizza. Sorry no before and after pictures from the surgery!...I know you're all disappointed.

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

I'm glad that you're doing ok. Hope you feel better soon!
