I know I know...get over it right? Well, it's been 4 days...the PAIN level started to decrease yesterday and I was able to go a whole 6 hours without Tylenol. Then last night happened..my bone sockets decided to dry up and cause the most excruciating pain. I kept staring at the clock waiting for the time to pass so I could take more pills. I wandered around downstairs, rinsed my mouth with warm water, brushed my teeth...it was quite awful. So, this morning I made a trip to the oral surgeon to see what was going on because apparently (so they told me) the pain should be going away not getting worse. They dug into all my sockets and discovered they were hollow (the bottom two) and my bone was all inflamed so they filled it with some gauze soaked in something that tastes like cloves that should keep it numb for a week. I'm not at all ashamed to say that I lay there in that chair crying my eyes out - it really was the worst pain I have ever experienced. This Saturday I'm supposed to get the gauze taken out and a new set put in for another week, so it looks like my diet of yogurt, shakes, mashed taters and anything else blender worthy will be sticking around. Good thing, cause I really needed to lose the 6 pounds! (NOT) But to keep my spirits bright...sweet Saige has started to say "wove woo" (I love you) and Dayton climbs into bed with me each morning and says "you all better net mom?" "You tokin yet?" (Are you all better yet mom? Are you talking yet?) I might not be able to smile really well, but I can still hug!

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