Well, it took about one week, but I think we are totally potty trained now! Dayton is wearing big boy undies every day and now we are on day 5 with no accidents (yes, now we count days in terms of no accidents) We've even left the house several times and been out for a couple of hours and he hasn't had an accident. Last weekend before swim lessons he told Daddy he needed to potty so daddy took him but he was too distracted by a public bathroom so he didn't go. I figured he would just pee in the pool like all the other kids. After swim lessons he told me he needed to potty so I took him and he actually went and it was huge so I guess he held it. He's woken up dry after naps so we don't use a diaper during naps anymore...just overnight. We still need to use one overnight, but that is okay. He has woken up 2 mornings completely dry and gone in the potty but I don't expect him to be able to wake up at night and go himself (especially since he is scared of the dark). Besides which, I don't want him waking up Saige (the bathroom is right beside her room) AND I don't want him coming to wake me up either! Ok, enough potty talk..I'm such a proud mommy. What else is new with Dayton - he's still doing swim lessons once a week and we signed him up for my-gym classes twice a week (until he's into preschool). He still goes to speech group once a week and his speech therapist still comes here once a week, but that all ends the day before his 3rd birthday. We are currently looking at other options following that and will keep you all updated with any of that news. A funny little Daytonism...lately Shey (the brown dog)has been burping a lot (likely due to the coconut she's been chewing on outside) and Dayton tells her "scuse me dog." It is so funny! Saige's 1st birthday is JUST around the corner and Dayton is very excited about it! She took her first steps on June 27th and since then at least once a day she'll take 2-4 steps on her own. As soon as she realizes what she's doing though, she gets down into a crawl. She's so cautious about it AND YET, she'll walk up and down a step or two and climb all over furniture..which in my opionion is much more dangerous than walking. Well, I'm sure I have more news for you all, but I need to get the kids fed and dressed as we have a dentist appointment to get to. Dayton is excited about having someone check his teeth (we'll see if that changes once we get there) and it will be Saige's first check up.

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