5 hours later, 2 public bathroom excursions, 1 baby abandonment, lunch on a bench and a toy train...we are home from the dentist. In short, Dayton did fabulous and climbed right on up into the dentist's chair! I think the small screen TV in his face and weeks of TV deprivation helped! His teeth look great (albeit crooked from the thumb sucking) and they showed me how to brush better and even flossed him! Now I'm thinking he won't let me floss him at home, but we can at least try. Then they painted him with Fluoride and the dentist took him to choose a toy..he picked a fake camera and spent the rest of our excursion "taking pictures". After, I took him to lunch, let him pick out some new big boy undies because he has been asking for Toy Story and I can't find any....he settled for "Cars" and "Diego". He's outgrown his "elmo's". He also picked out a stacking block train (like we need any more blocks in this house)...but he is in love with trains right now and I couldn't say no since Daddy promised him yesterday that Mommy would buy him a big surprise if he was good at the dentist. Darn kid remembered... Saige...well Saige wasn't as well behaved. She screamed the whole time the dentist was in her mouth and she kept clamping down on his finger. This does not surprise me since she HATES it when I brush her teeth at home. The dentist gave me some tips on that...they make it look so easy. So, Saige didn't get anything (as usual)...except a new toothbrush. She did however, get left with the front desk staff because Dayton needed to potty and the staff told me the bathroom would not accommodate the stroller. At first I thought maybe they were trying to trick me and wanted to steal her (well not really) but I trustingly left her with the front desk. I felt safer doing that than putting her on a public bathroom floor! Turns out they were right...no room for the stroller and no room for mommy in the stall so I had to cringe as Dayton's little hands touched EVERYTHING...ugh. Good thing I took a ton of sani-wipes! Poor kid must think I'm so weird wiping him from head to toe! Anyhow, Saige fussed but didn't scream with the strangers...the screaming came after that when the dentist stuck a toothbrush in her mouth. They are now napping. I'd like to, but there is too much else I'd rather do during these short quiet moments.

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