Saige's 9th month came and went so fast...she's really turning into a ham and loves any attention you have to give her. She is starting to understand language and if you ask her to, she'll clap, wave bye-bye and dance. She is also starting to imitate sounds and I am hearing the beginnings of "uh-oh", "bye-bye", "shh", "doggie" and of course mama & dada. She has a total of 5 teeth now and does not like to get them brushed! Lately she is into pointing and pulling hair - oh and when she is sleepy she likes play with her eyelashes. She is always standing now and attempting to go down the stairs (though usually she somersaults down 2 stairs) and is trying to climb some things. She frequently lets go of things and stands there by herself and then realizes she's doing it and looks freaked out. While she still isn't ready to walk alone, she will walk endlessly if you hold her hands or give her something to push. She's mastered the pincer grasp and is constantly picking up dead bugs to examine. Things she currently loves include: her brother, attention, rice puffs, swimming, bath time with her brother, carrying things in her mouth & being free to roam. Things she hates include: being in the pack & play, her jumperoo or car seat, still most fruits, sitting on grass (you'll see from the picture below that she tries to walk on all fours to avoid the grass), wearing anything that makes crawling difficult (dresses) and the mama being out of view...oh and let's not forget sleeping (she hates to sleep). While that can be more than a little exhausting and aggravating for me, I can't complain too much because no matter how many naps she misses or how much sleep she loses at night, she's still just as happy as can be. We still love her so we're thinking we'll keep her a little longer.

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