Let's go all the way back to decorating the Christmas tree days....we got our Christmas tree a little late this year because Daddy was sick, but he certainly did a good job picking a beautiful one! The kids helped decorate and wanted to touch every single ornament...so as you can imagine, what should have been a couple hour job, turned into an all day affair. But that's okay, they had fun and so did I. Scott participated by going to work that day and unfortunately (since I know how sad he was) missed our decorating adventures. Saige was mostly interested in the bell ornaments that she could take off the tree and shake and hide all over the house, and Dayton was fascinated with the train set under the tree. Look with your eyes and not your hands rule didn't work that well this year. As always (well since kids anyway) we went with the alphabet letters theme mixed with the traditional family ornaments (from "kids, stand on your tip toes and see how high you can reach" level and up). Anything non breakable went at the bottom. It's really a system that works well for us. It might look a little unbalanced and funny, but it works. Here's a picture of the kids in front of the fruits of their labor!
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