A few weekends ago, we decided to take the dogs and the kids for a hike along the shoreline. As you've previously read, we have some very obedient dogs and thus the title of this post. Some of you have had the pleasure of walking (or getting walked by) our two mutts. (and even have the scars to prove it) As soon as the dogs see their collars they get a little wild. They were so anxious about the whole trip they had to do their business before getting in the car. Once in the car they shed at least a years worth of fur and panted drippy drool all over the place. We ended up putting up the cargo net because Shey automatically climbed all the way from the back up into the front seat (my poor leather seats). Tula then followed and got stuck between the two car seats. Try getting two 80lb labs to reverse their steps....eventually we made it to our destination, packed the kids into the double off road stroller and hooked the dogs onto their "shared" lead. We quickly realized the trail was a little more than we bargained for - we had to carry the 40lb stroller with 50lbs of kids over many parts of the trail. Meanwhile, the 160lbs of dogs ran loose - running way ahead, barking at strangers and definitely NOT listening. We ended up at this little beach where another man had his dog fetching a frisbee. (so obedient) Shey (the water dog in the family) immediately ran to the water and just kept on swimming out out out out. Scott actually took his shoes and socks off thinking he might need to rescue her. She has never had a swim in a body of water so large with big waves and rip currents. Tula (the supposed water dog that never learned how to swim) followed Shey. Surprisingly, she navigated the lava rocks and waves quite well. We let them romp for an hour or so. Dayton of course got sandy and wet. Saige ate and sat watching the whole production. Shey drank so much salt water she threw up her breakfast on the beach and then ate it again. Actually she threw up several more times later that day and the next. (smart dog) We even took a bowl and bottles of water for them. Tula ran and played so much she limped all the way back to the car because her paws were so beat up from the rough lava rock. She ended up limping for 3 days. Her paws finally peeled and have now healed, several weeks later. Needless to say, we all had fun and know next time to leave the mutts at home sleeping on the white sofas, leave the off road but not for rock climbing stroller in the garage, pack the kids into backpacks, wear sunscreen (I got a nasty burn) and do it all over again.
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