In the blink of an eye time passes & something changes. Life with kids somehow changes that much more quickly; especially when one is 6, one is 4 and the other is 3. Regardless of whether it is a day filled with sunshine or clouds & rain, wherever I may go, my four shadows will surely follow. Visit often, laugh always, cry if you need to & most of all, love deeply. We miss you all.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Is It October Already?
The search for Halloween costumes is on...why oh why can't I find something that is appropriate to wear in the hot seems everything is geared towards cold climates. I suppose I shouldn't complain since I remember growing up we had to wear coats (and sometimes hats and mitts too) on top of our costumes to stay warm and nobody saw your costume anyhow. Dayton of course want's to dress up like Dora - umm that ain't gonna happen son. Sorry. I tried to convince him that a Diego costume would be cool and he kept telling me "no thanks." We also have the big number 3 this month...*sigh*..the years are slipping by so quickly. I guess I should start my hunt for the perfect "party hat" since that is all he keeps asking for. I hope he isn't disappointed by a party hat from the dollar store. Actually, the other night he said he wanted a "cow". I can't decide what we should do for his birthday. Scott is out of town the whole week prior and doesn't get home until the night before his birthday so I guess whatever I plan, will be a surprise for daddy too. I have a couple of ideas. Well here are a couple of pictures of the kids taken recently...Dayton has a renewed interest in his "not so manly" blue rubber boots (yes the ones daddy bought) and they don't even fit his feet anymore, but he has been insisting on wearing them as usual, I pick and choose my battles...and blue rubber boots isn't one of them. As you can see, Saige is into climbing on tables these days...she particularly likes glass ones. Dayton yelled "oh no Daige is cwimbing on daybull." He's such a tattle tale! Personally, I like how she is pointing at the table and saying "down".

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What Goes Around Comes Around...
Right? Isn't that what "they" say? Well is it at all possible that what goes around keeps on going around? It seems our dogs are perpetually mad at us...acting out in obvious anger. Alright you were the first born and you were so spoiled you had your own Christmas stocking and then Tula came along and chewed up all your toys; only to regurgitate them later. Then we moved a couple times. Then Dayton came along and daily walks were from days gone past. Who was this disruptive boy that stole the show? Then, along came Saige....and outdoor playtime became limited. Indoor playtime became forbidden. Playtime? What playtime? Then we moved you to this forsaken island - a life without squirrels, rabbits and neighborhood cats to chase. And no air dare we make you suffer with those fur coats? Oh, and then came the ban from upstairs because of the carpet. The sacred white carpet! Followed by a ban from the sacred white sofa. Replaced by a 30$ dog bed from Costco - are you kidding me? And most recently a ban from the King size bed? Its no wonder the past month has been marked by "accidents" on the floor and random pukes from consumed children's toys. A puke spot with a wheel and windshield off a matchbox car...or colorful bits of plastic that look suspiciously like parts of missing toys. So in my guilt ridden, pet owner's heart I thought I would shout out loud to the world that we still love you. Tula - sorry we forgot your 4th birthday on September 24th!
Upon first glance this seems like a cute photo until you realize that Shey is drinking out of the hose and Tula is drinking out of Shey's mouth.
Shey smiling pretty for the camera. Gosh, you look so slim at this camera angle!
I'm so sorry I keep mentioning going for a walk and getting a treat...I just wanted to get a cute picture of you! Forgive me and please don't puke tonight!

Monday, September 29, 2008
A Whole Lot Of Monkey Business
I only asked for cups so that Dayton could start to use those more than sippy's (and I don't quite trust him with glass yet) and somehow he ended up with his own WHOLE set of dishes! Ya-Ya's I suppose are pre-wired to spoil. Since his new dishes he always asks to use Ya-Ya's plates and cups...Saige only cares about taking them all out of the cabinets and standing on them or carrying them to various spots throughout the house and dropping them. Nothing broken yet! Here's a picture of the kids opening their box of new dishes...Dayton kept saying "cool".
Happy Birthday Gramby
I know you'll probably be back home by the time I get this posted, but someday soon you'll have internet again! Sorry if you don't like the pictures - I didn't have too many to choose from...a sure sign that it's time for you to make another visit! We miss you and love you and just wanted to send you some special birthday wishes.

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